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Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone will build “Air Silk Road · Super Ring Road”

郑州之窗2023-03-08 14:53:06

On March 07, reporter learnt from The 10th Anniversary of the Approval of the Establishment of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone News Conference that Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone preliminarily plans to carry out “Air Silk Road · Super Ring Road” project, to spare no effort to accelerate and advance the construction of “Air Silk Road” Pilot Zone and reveal such characteristics as “Migrant City, Vibrant City & Knowledge City” of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone comprehensively.

Photographed by: Ma Jian

“Air Silk Road • Super Ring Road” project is based on First Ring Road and Second Ring Road, two municipal roads of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone and is mainly distributed along Huaxia Avenue - Zhiyang Road - Sunwu Road - Jinling Avenue - Jingzhou Road - Zhedian Road - Yuzhou Avenue - Poyanghu Road - Jingzhou Road - Taihu Road - Huaxia Avenue, aimed at creating a diversified urban habitat with strong inclusiveness and revealing such characteristics as “Migrant City, Vibrant City & Knowledge City” of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone comprehensively by planning to carry out and arranging city landmarks, city parks, digital technology, city furniture, public art, etc.

According to introduction, in the next few years, “Air Silk Road • Super Ring Road” project will invite world-renowned architects, creative people, artists and digital media people to tell the stories of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone from an innovative perspective, reveal the characteristics of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, spare no effort to forge a world-class landmark project and reveal the grand occasion of “Air Silk Road” comprehensively by adopting characteristic architectures, light installations, digital technology, city furniture, public art, etc.

(Reported by: Nie Chunjie)


Zhengzhou Release


Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone will build “Air Silk Road · Super Ring Road”

“Migrant City, Vibrant City , Knowledge City” comprehensively.

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