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Zhengzhou Yihuibao” to benefit the people officially launched

郑州之窗2022-12-21 17:23:05

In order to further reduce the medical burden of Zhengzhou citizens, on December 20, a project named “Zhengzhou Yihuibao” to benefit the people was officially launched.

According to introduction, “Zhengzhou Yihuibao”is an inclusive commercial supplementary medical insurance for Zhengzhou people under the guidance of the government. There is no insurance threshold, highlighting the universality and public welfare, and the maximum amount of protection for each insured person is 2 million per year.

In order to expand the scope of medical insurance, under the instructions of “Zhengzhou Yihuibao”, the remainder of the reimbursement from basic medical insurance and critical illness supplementary insurance can be reimbursed again, and it cover the expenses that not covered by basic medical insurance, such as those outside the list of medical insurance and certain high-priced drugs. In the selection of the special drugs, drugs of great promise for emergency and life-saving will be included in the scope of security, so as to maximize the benefits of patients with serious and serious diseases.

According to the plan, from December 20 to March 20, 2023, “Zhengzhou Yihuibao” (including urban employee medical insurance and urban and rural resident medical insurance), Henan provincial direct employee medical insurance enrollees, industrial employee medical insurance enrollees, Zhengzhou "new citizens" who participate in remote basic medical insurance, You can participate in insurance online through the official wechat account of "Zhengzhou Medical Benefit Insurance", and also through the offline channels of ZhengHaoban APP, Alipay and insurance company agents.

Participants of basic medical insurance in Zhengzhou(including medical insurance for urban workers and medical insurance for urban and rural residents), the insured in provincial organs, "New Citizens" in Zhengzhou who participate in basic Medical insurance in other cities, all can participate in insurance online through the official Wechat account of "Zhengzhou Yihuibao", or through ZhengHaoban APP, Alipay and insurance company agents offline.

The guarantee period is 1 year, lasting from March 21, 2023 to March 20, 2024. (Text source:ZMG)

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