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出彩郑州的这些数字 Look at these amazing Zhengzhou "scores"

Where Zhengzhou2019-03-12 09:38:19


        With rapid development, Zhengzhou is attracting increasing attention from across the world. In 2018, Zhengzhou’s economic aggregate exceeded one trillion for the first time, making Zhengzhou a member of the trillion-level club. Furthermore, the permanent population increased to ten million and the GDP per capita surpassed one hundred thousand yuan, officially promoting Zhengzhou into a megacity.

  飞速发展的郑州,吸引着越来越多人关注的目光。2018 年,郑州市经济总量首破万亿大关,成功晋级“万亿俱乐部”。与此同时,2018年全市常住人口突破千万,人均生产总值突破十万元。三大突破助力,郑州正式跨入特大城市行列。

  In 2018, regional GDP reached 1014.33 billion yuan, ranking 16th among 298 cities at or above the prefectural level in China, an increase of 8.1%, ranking 2nd among the 16 cities with GDP over one trillion yuan;

  2018年,郑州全市地区生产总值完成10143.3 亿元,居全国298 个地级以上城市第16 位,增长8.1%,增长率居全国16 个万亿以上城市第2 位;

  A major project library of national central city construction with a total investment of 4.5 trillion yuan was released, and a 100 billion yuan industrial development fund was set up and put into operation;

  总投资4.5 万亿元的国家中心城市建设重大项目库发布,1000 亿元产业发展基金设立运营;

  Photo: Tao Zui

  Zhengzhou entered the "top 100 world cities" and "top 50 Asian cities" for the first time;

  首次进入“世界城市100 强”“亚洲城市50 强”;

  In the "national central city index" released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhengzhou entered seven lists of potential national metropolis;

  中国社科院研究机构发布的“国家中心城市指数”中,郑州荣登潜在国家重要中心7 项榜单;

  The number of patents for invention per 10,000 people reached 13, up by 20%, and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress reached 63%;

  万人发明专利拥有量13 件、增长20%,科技进步贡献率达到63%;

  It vigorously implemented the "Pool Talents Across the World" talent project, attracting more than 210,000 young talents to find jobs and start businesses in Zhengzhou, and nearly 50,000 people have settled in the city;

  大力实施“智汇郑州”人才工程,吸引21 万余名青年人才来郑就业创业,办理人才落户近5 万人;

  Total air cargo throughput reached 513,000 t and passenger volume 27.335 million, respectively ranking 7th and 12th in China's large airports;

  航空货邮吞吐量51.3 万吨、客运量2733.5 万人次,分别居全国大型机场第7、第12 位;

  It has built or renovated 320 kilometers of national and provincial trunk roads and rural highways, and has 24 exits for the ring expressway;

  新建改建国省干线和农村公路320 公里,环城高速出入口达到24 个;

  Photo:Ma Jian

  No-load trial operation of metro line 5 has been carried out; the mileage of rail transit in operation and under construction has exceeded 300 kilometers;

  地铁5 号线空载试运行,轨道交通运营及在建里程突破300 公里;


  Photo: Jiao Xiaoxiang

  The passenger flow of high-speed railway reached 33.038 million, up by 14.9%;

  高铁客流量发送3303.8 万人次、增长14.9%;

  115,000 mu more land has been afforested, and 78,000 mu woods have been tended;

  新造林11.5 万亩,完成森林抚育7.8 万亩;


  Photo: Zhang Wenju

  A total of 13.56 million square meters of green space was added to the urban area, and 411 parks, and micro-parks, including high-speed railway parks, were built.

  市区新增绿地1356 万平方米,建成高铁公园等公园、游园、微公园411 个;

  Government spending on people's livelihood totaled 140.29 billion yuan, up by 17%;

  全年财政民生支出1402.9 亿元、增长17%;

  The consumer price index rose by 2.4 percent.


  A number of national strategies have empowered Zhengzhou in the past few years, including the Central Plains City Cluster, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Zheng-Luo-Xin National Innovation Demonstration Area and National Central City. These preferential strategic planning and platform construction have made rarely-seen superadditive effect to permit Zhengzhou’s ambitious future.


  Today’s Zhengzhou is marching on the course to a national central city with booming social development in various undertakings.


  Zhengzhou, a rising star of international metropolis, is shining like a diamond.


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