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The Chinese Dream of the American Fellow丨美国小伙的中国梦

中原网2019-10-09 09:38:32

  It is kind of surprising to hear authentic Henan slangs such as “Gan sha” (what are you doing), “zhong a” (very well), “ke hao le” (awesome) from a fair-haired and blue-eyed foreigner. Kenton Lorman Van first came to Henan four years ago, and came here again one and half years ago. Now he often appears on TV shows and vblogs as guest. Not only does he speak good Chinese, he also speaks authentic Henan dialect. He loves Chinese culture, and has profound feelings for Zhengzhou. He is known by a handsome Chinese name: Ye Fengguang.




  Born in 1988, Kenton was raised in Milwaukee in Wisconsin. After he arrived in China in 2014, he left for a village in Henan, because he found megacities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou “too global with so many foreigners”. That’s not the “real China” he intended to learn about.

  美国人Kenton(叶风光)1988 年出生在美国威斯康辛州的密尔沃基。2014 年,他第一次来到中国,就选择来到河南的一个农村。因为北上广一线城市对于他来说,“太多老外,太国际化”,并不是他想要了解的“real China”。

  The name “Ye Fengguang” (the literal meaning of the three characters are leaf, wind and light) has its origin in China. In his first week in China, Kenton went to a park for square dance. Although he could not understand Chinese at all, he remembered an elder woman’s words to him “Look! This foreigner is so fengguang (spirited).” He did not come to understand what “fengguang” means before half a year passed. He told his friends back in the States “Winds (feng) blow a leaf (ye) to every corner of the world. It is its dream to shed light (guang) on others and help them achieve their dreams.” This is why he named himself as “Ye Fengguang”.





  Kenton made a bunch of friends during his stay in China who equipped him with a better understanding of Chinese culture. “I met Li Xing when I just arrived in China. He treated me to Zhengzhou Huimian (handstretched wide Noodles, a local specialty) and spicy soup. He played basketball with me. At first I thought he was a rich man. Later I knew he was hospitable rather than wealthy.” After they met, Kenton helped Li Xing with English while Li helped Kenton with Chinese. The two became inseparable friends.


  “You have no idea what a good friend is like until you have a good Chinese friend”, commented Kenton on his Chinese friend. After one year’s stay in Henan, Kenton left China for South America.



  Kenton came back to Zhengzhou in the summer of 2016 with another dream. He wrote a book titled Kenton Lion Heart when he was travelling around, recounting a young boy’s story of bravely chasing his dream. The book has been published in the U.S. and Thailand. Earlier this year, an English-Chinese bilingual version came out in China as well. Kenton said the book was his gift to Zhengzhou people because they helped him fulfill his dream.

  2016 年夏天,叶风光带着他的另外一个梦想回到郑州。在全世界游历的时间里,叶风光写了一本书 《勇敢的心》,讲述了一个小男孩勇敢追梦的故事,在美国、泰国已经分别出版。今年初,这本书的中英双语版也在中国出版。叶风光说,这本书是他给郑州人的礼物,感谢郑州人帮助他实现梦想。


  So far, Kenton has been living in Henan for more than two years. He has already regarded Zhengzhou as his second hometown. And he calls himself “Henanese”. Kenton often travels around China, and has met a lot of people. When people ask him why they could sense a hint of “Henanese” in his Mandarin, Kenton would reply, “I am from Zhengzhou. I am Henanese. Zhengzhou is my hometown in China.”

  如今,叶风光在河南生活了2 年多的时间,他早已把郑州当成自己的第二故乡,称自己是个“河南人”。叶风光时常全中国各地跑,一些外地朋友会问他:“为啥你的中文有股‘河南味’?”叶风光会回答:“我来自郑州,我是河南人,我在中国的老家就是郑州。”


  As for why he is keen on Zhengzhou, Kenton said when he first came to China he was clueless about everything. It is in Henan that he learned the ABC of living in China—from usage of chopsticks to language and culture. Therefore, he feels grateful to Henan and Zhengzhou. “Zhengzhou people are my teachers. I won't become who I am without them”, said Kenton.


  Kenton takes pride in Zhengzhou at any time in any place: “Zhengzhou is sure to be an even more awesome city. I wish the city continuous progress.”


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