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Zhengzhou International 国际博物馆日,在郑的你打卡博物馆了吗

郑州之窗2021-05-18 10:01:25


photo/Ding Youmin 

Museum is an important manifestation of a city's history and culture.As the 45th International Museum Day, its theme is The Future of Museums: Restoration and Remaking.To celebrate the International Museum Day, a number of museums have launched a variety of activities.




photo/Cheng Yan

Zhengzhou has built nearly 70 museums 郑州全市已建成近70家博物馆


Up to now, the city owned nearly 70 museums that including collections of more than 650,000 cultural relics with 100,000 precious cultural relics. The newly opened Zhengzhou Museum has become an internet-famous site.


Authorities are pushing ahead with the construction of a number of major historical and cultural landmarks along the Yellow River, including the Yellow River National Museum and the Dahe Village National Archaeological Park. In September this year, the 9th Museums and Relevant Products and Technologies Exposition will also be held in Zhengzhou.




It is understood that in addition to the Henan Museum, Zhengzhou Museum, the Dahe Village Heritage Museum, the ancient Ying Ying Museum and other public familiar with the state-owned museums, in recent years, a large number of quite distinctive folk museums such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain, the formation of colorful new generation of museum scenery line.






Colorful activities provided in many museums 多家博物馆活动丰富多彩


We have learned that the new building of Zhengzhou Museum, Zhengzhou Silkroad Culture Museum, Zhengzhou Mountain and Sea Tridacnidae Museum, Erqi Memorial Hall, the Dahe village Ruins Museum, the Iron-smelting Museum of Guxing and multiple county (city) museum will launch series of activities of "5 · 18 international museum day". The citizens can participate in various activities to know about cultural knowledge, enhance awareness of cultural heritage protection and carry forward traditional Chinese culture.




Zhengzhou Release


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A light rain goes on and on. In the drizzle, Zhengzhou is misty and rainy likes a poetic painting.

Zhengzhou Vision


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